King's Treasures Without Fees
How does it work?
From all tables we will take $0.02 out of every $0.06 in rake and put it in the jackpot. The Jackpot is not fed and no points are awarded if the rake taken from the pot is less than $0.06. We are also setting a max amount to be put in King's Treasures per hand depending on the number of players playing at the table:
Players | Rake feeding the Jackpot | Cap |
2 Players at the table | $0.02 out of every $0.06 in rake | up to $0.04 |
3 Players at the table | $0.02 out of every $0.06 in rake | up to $0.08 |
4 Players or more at the table | $0.02 out of every $0.06 in rake | up to $0.24 |
1. At a 9-handed full ring table, everybody folds except for 4 players (A, B, C and D) who see the flop, each paying $10 pre-flop.
2. Player A goes all-in on the flop for another $50. B and C folds and D calls the $50. The total pot size is now $140. At the end of the hand $3 rake gets taken from the pot ($2.76 as net rake and $0.24 is fed to the Jackpot).
3. When using the Weighted Contributed method, this would mean that only the four participating players will receive a total of 12 King's Treasure Points as follows:
- Player A receives 5.14 Points
- Player B receives 0.86 Point
- Placer C receives 0.86 Point
- Placer D receives 5.14 Points
The Cash Race:
On a weekly basis, the points that players earn are tallied. This will designate your position on the King’s Treasures leaderboard. Of course, the more points you earn, the higher position you will have on the leader board. Beat the others to the top of the King’s Treasures Leader-Board and earn large sums of cash.
The cash race payout structure is calculated based on the size of the prize pool, when the prize pool grows so do the number of places that are paid.
There are four payout tiers in King's Treasures.
- Tier 1: $2,500
- Tier 2: $1,000
- Tier 3: $250
- Tier 4: $100
For every $10,334 in King's Treasures cash prize pool, the prize pool adds:
- One Tier 1
- Two of Tier 2
- Five of Tier 3
- Twenty of Tier 4
- Reseed the next race with $2,584
Residual funds (between multiples of $10,334) as King's Treasures grow are applied to the top places in Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 - maintaining each respective cap amounts.
The Tournament Race
King’s Treasures is an innovative way of acknowledging more of our dedicated poker player by rewarding them more opportunities to earn MORE Cash and Prizes. Although we know that you love the excitement of the online grind, we also know you love exclusive land-based tourneys, too. That’s why King’s Treasures leaderboards also includes a separate component that awards seats in satellite tournamentsfor major tourneys like the Punta Cana Poker Classic, WSOP Main Event and Million Dollar Sunday. As the prize pool grows, we will be able to hand out more and more seats to more and more players at the end of each week. It’s that simple! More equals More, Which means MORE for YOU!
Each Player receives one tournament entry based on the total amount in the prize pool and their individual placement position earned on the overall leader-board during the qualifying period. In-turn they will be automatically registrated in the specific Satellite tournament. Please refer to the rewards tab (King’s Treasures section) for further information.
Tracking Your Progress
Individual players can check their progress simply by entering the PokerKing client. Once you are in the lobby click on the King's Treasures counter, from there you can see you current position: the amount of points earned: and if you are currently winning a tournament entry. You’ll also get all the details about the tournament such as tournament start date and guaranteed prize pool.
The rankings are updated frequently, so be sure to check back often.
Remember, the MORE you play the MORE you win because the MORE people play, the higher the Jackpot grows!