The advances in internet and technology not only changed the way we play poker today, but they also gave us multiple possibilities that were simply not possible tens or hundreds of years ago. Now anyone can play poker from the comfort of their own home, while being alone in the room, without having to worry about the presence of other people as in a real game.
But as we mentioned before, now we also have various tools and accessories that can improve our game a lot. Some consider it cheating, but Sharkscope is a great tool used by global poker players. This service tracks the results of online players and can then display them to anyone interested. It is used only to track tournament results and it includes single table tournaments as well as multi table tournaments.
Some players are using Sharkscope to see their own plays and how they evolved over time, but others use it to find useful information about their opponents, while in a live game. While you won’t find any details about someone’s style of playing poker, you can still find valuable information about their wins and losses.
While the website itself doesn’t use any illegal techniques (the information they take is already available in the public domain) the way some people use this information is considered controversial by many. Some poker websites even view this as a violation of their T&C and the use of Sharkscope is banned while playing on that website. In this case, some players are using Sharkscope on a second computer.
On their website you get five free searches each day and detailed graphs and trends of the evolution of a certain player. Based on those statistics you can take useful conclusions of someone’s level of tilt, as well as other indicators. Plus, you can also track your evolution on various tournaments or websites and see where you did best and where to focus in the future.
While Sharkscope may have some benefits for global poker players, it’s also controversial because of the fact that someone’s earnings should be their own business, and not someone’s else. So the feeling of security behind a computer screen is not there anymore.
Another negative aspect is that some are using information from Sharkscope to denigrate their opponents in a live game. This is a clear violation of poker etiquette, and shows that the person is on tilt. Then this can be used against that person, so it’s not even worth it in the first place.
Feel free to use Sharkscope to track your own progress and earnings, and use it to find out more about the level of a certain player, but don’t overuse it or abuse it, as it will not do you any good on the long term.
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