HU, NL, PLO, NVG and so on. The world of poker has plenty of unusual terms and acronyms that may seem very weird for people outside of this world, but which make a lot of sense for those passionate about the game.
Today we’ll take a look at one of the secret poker terms and we will find out what does NVG poker means? Well first of all you should know that this term was created by Mason Malmuth, a poker player and statistician and also the owner of TwoPlusTwo Publishing.
This company makes and sells poker books on theory, strategy, history and sold more than 2 million copies all over the world. The company also makes a monthly online magazine, hosts a Poker podcast and has a website that includes the popular TwoPlusTwo forum.
It was on this forum that the term NVG was born and it means News, Views & Gossip. The forum has multiple sub-topics and millions of posts, but NVG seems to be the most popular one. It contains news and opinions on various poker topics and also gossip about popular players.
The other forum categories include: questions and answers for beginners, marketplace & staking, discussions on casino rules and etiquette, on online poker venues, strategies for No Limit Texas Hold’em, poker goals and challenges, discussions on hotels, shows and the Las Vegas lifestyle, sporting events, other various topics and even politics.
But this is not all, as these are just the main categories. If you keep on scrolling on the main page you will also find coaching and training, beats, brags and variance, poker legislation & PPA, TV and Twitch poker, psychology, tournaments, live poker games, general gambling talk, communities, other sports and games, religion, history, fitness and so much more.
As you can see, this is a huge forum and you can find information on just about anything. Any question you might have on any topic related to poker (but not only) can find its answer here on the TwoPlusTwo forum.
But as we already mentioned in a previous article, you should take all advice from poker forums with “a grain of salt”. First of all, absolutely anyone can comment here and say whatever they want and there is no way for you to know if that’s true or not.
Any player can hide under the anonymity of a nickname and give random advice. And even if the advice they give is honest and legit, you will get so many different opinions that you will end up even more confused than you were in the first place.
With so many topics available you could easily spend a few hours each day just reading and replying to posts, instead of actually playing poker. Keep in mind that you only make money when you actually play, and not when you talk to strangers on forums.
Yes, feel free to spend a few minutes here and there reading some tips or finding out the latest NVG (News, Views & Gossip), just don’t waste too much time on poker forums.
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